Храм Любви
In this turbulent world, we need the Temple ~ our sacred container
for online support, healing and inspiration, for all our students & the Queens
All Year Long!
The Temple is on our dedicated Telegram Channel.
The yearly membership includes a monthly live gathering on Zoom,
a total of 8 Group Sessions in 12 month ~ $1000 per year membership
Every session is recorded and available for 1 year.
In a way, it is like an ongoing online retreat
in a form of mentorship for all our students and guests of our educational Youtube Channel.
Especially Valuable for those who bought a Retreat (online or live)
They get 1 year free support!
These Group Sessions can also be purchased individually during the year, so you can choose: a yearly commitment or simply join 1 session, whenever you need help (recording is included), for $200.
For 1 on 1 (individual private session) with Yana see below.

Love Temple
1 year

1 session
Group Mentorship for All.
*Gifted with every retreat.

$ 500

Individual ~ 1 on 1 with Yana
Magical Healing Session
Live or WhatsApp
2 hour + sessions
A unique, instantaneous healing process for your relationships with your parents, partner and money.
Dear Ladies, let Yana love your wounds away, transforming you into a joyous lover.
Dear Men, travel with Yana on the Hero’s Journey and immerse in the motherlove that rebirths your Power and Strength as a husband, lover, provider and father.
Archetypes ~ and their Shadow Aspects
* Clearing the Chakras. Taking off the Masks
Who am I? What is my worth?
The Archetypes & their shadows establish your relationship with sex & money as a confirmation of your self -PROJECTED -worth.
At the end of the Wholeness Retreat, you will choose
which Archetype you desire to fully activate:
*Queen of love & abundance
*Magical Woman
*Divine Goddess
Below is a quick outline of the Shadow aspects of each archetypes,
CHAKRAS they relate to, and the wounds that we will heal:
(naturally the list is not complete)
When Earth Element is weak we can operate in
Slave girl archetype - NEEDY, always secretly "begging" for love, attention & money
Fear - responsibility, basic survival
Pleasure - attention of important persons, easy money:Need - energy and money
Dreams - rarely come true
Money - "I don't have" paradigm
Creating from "I need vs I desire"
When Water Element is weak we can operate in:
The maid / Working Girl archetype - Longs for stability and support.
Lives in a "There is never enough for Pleasure" paradigm.
Fear - of instability
Pleasure - family, wealth
Children - are often her meaning in life.
Money - "Is never enough" paradigm
Works for a small salary, just enough for basic needs.
She really wants to be married to a man who can take financial responsibility,
usually chooses to be a housewife or an employee.
When Fire Element is high we can run on Testosterone (male hormone)
which is good for business & sports.
Cinderella - Business woman/Entrepreneur, Manager, Busy Bee
Fear - loss of vitality with age, tired of carrying everything on "my shoulders"
Pleasure - to be the best, # 1, competition, a lot of attention - brands, cars, travel...
Illusion - "I need a stronger man."
Usually - workaholic, manager, owner of a small business, or family affairs.
Attitude - I'm cool!
MOST IMPORTANT to this Archetype: Must / necessary to work hard and earn money.
To be a Personality ~ someone important, respected, feared, loved obeyed, appreciated, envied ...
Career - is an opportunity to realize and prove your Significance - value,
"everything can be bought and sold" paradigm.
Money is worshipped, often substitutes God/Heart connection.
Competes, compares, fights for money & power.
4th CHAKRA the Heart
The Air Element can never be balanced unless the first three chakras are properly healed & activated.
Queen Archetype - in her Shadow:
Fear - Of being left without funds; "I will loose everything and become a nobody".
Pleasure - Luxury, art, beauty...
She likes perfection and high quality things.
Attitude - "I am the most: important, beautiful, respected. I need staff to help me.
They are afraid of me. They must obey me. They love me ..."
Men - Respect her and compete for her.
Some men feel intimidated by her power.
Struggle - For power and Significance!
Creatrix – Of her reality.
She usually runs a large business or manages her wealthy husbands affairs.
Successful - The fear of poverty becomes a driving force to success in society, instead of limiting her like in the previous archetypes.
Priestess Archetype holds great powers of creating realty with Rituals and awareness - her shadow is Pridefulness
She usually Serves from the center of power - but
Pride/Arrogance can interfere with the divine flow of love and abundance she deserves.
6th THIRD EYE CHAKRA Intuition. Awareness. Gifts of inner Sight.
Magical Woman ~ has her 3rd eye activated.
She knows the power of the black and white magic and consciously chooses to serve the Light Forces. Otherwise, the dark powers will Destroy her,
if she chooses to misuse her divine gifts.
7th CROWN CHAKRA ~ Source/Spirit Connection.
Goddess Archetype ~ Unified with everything.
Everything is a part of me.
The Holiness of ALL aspects of life is restored.
The drop returns to the Ocean and lives in integrity.
Love has no conditions or limitations.
All desires are fulfilled abundantly through the Source of All Life.
Pure Love = Abundance of True Desires.
At the END of your retreat Journey~ once you have healed the "shadows" ~I will lead you through Activations of the Archetypes from your Pure Wholeness.
*Queen of Love & Abundance
*Magical Woman
* Divine Goddess
The Archetype you can activate will always depend on the level of sexual energy you can actually generate and radiate.
I explain how this works in a powerful video on:
YouTube: Sex & Money, 7 levels.