Yana's Soul Purpose is Sacred Union.
Harmonizing the Yin/Yang polarities within,
activating the sexual Love magnet
between a Man and a Woman.

A rare, gifted energy healer with the ability to SEE into
your emotional & energetic bodies..
She can activating new genetic codes of your Light Body.
Yana can help to attune each individual chakra,
vortex, gateway and portal
of your multidimensional body.

Yana has channeled many beautiful sacred meditations/activations, which help to remove the obstructions that hold you from living in Wholeness.
It is important to heal the recurring patterns of the mental, emotional, physical and genetic bodies. Those of the child, where you have been damaged and shut down.
Together we do activations to clear the base & the womb chakras where the deep and heavy blocks to abundance, security, safety and power are held. Where you feel unprovided for, helpless, hopeless, without support.
It is crucial to access and anchor a new vibrational frequency,
so you don't bring back your "old story".
Your multidimensional chakra column ~ rainbow bridge ~ needs to be accessed and restored. This will inevitably enable you to fully connect to the realms of your mastery, to receive your soul gifts.
Yana can guide you there with Love, grace and mastery.
Born in Armenia in 1968, educated in the USA, she speaks 4 languages.
Yana has a Masters Degree and a Law Degree.
As a brilliant business woman, she built a 5 million dollar home based business
with Arbonne International.
At age 35 she thought she had it all but couldn't find her inner feminine happiness.
That's why the journey of the Feminine Evolution has begun.

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